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Sum of all the primes below two million

I’ve written about Project Euler in my previous post (which I guess was the day before yesterday). I was going pretty well with solving the problems until I reached this one – to calculate the sum of all primes below 2 million. That’s the 10th...

Project Euler

You’ve probably heard of Project Euler ( If you haven’t, I suggest you check it out. It’s an amazing collection of interesting mathematical and programming problems. Nowhere else have I seen such a quality collection of problems. I had known...

It’s my Birthday!

Today’s my birthday, and I turn 24. But I suspect it’s going to be my most boring birthday ever.. 🙁 Since two days, I’m down with cold and cough, and intermittently feeling feverish.. Not a good way to start the day at all.. On top of that, most...