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Ruby 1.9.3 segfault in OSX Lion due to OpenSSL

I just set-up my new MacBook Pro, running OSX Lion (10.7.3), for Rails development. Installed rvm, installed Ruby 1.9.3 using rvm and did a gem install rails -v 3.2.3. Everything went fine, until I tried to create a new rails app. rails new <app_name> would...

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Tabby – the missing tab switcher for eclipse

My job for the past few years primarily involved developing eclipse based applications, and so, I've had to use eclipse full-time for quite some time.  My pet peeve with eclipse has always been it's usability. It's not particularly keyboard friendly (not the same as...

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First triangle number to have over five hundred divisors

This was another interesting problem at Project Euler (Problem 12). Interesting because the naïve solution to this was all too trivial but slow, which forced me to seek out a better approach and I finally ended up learning something new 🙂 The nth triangle number is...

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Identifying Auto Properties in Assemblies

My current project is a UML modeling tool, and I'm working on the C# 3.0 bits. One of the things it lets you do is to Reverse Engineer your code and obtain the model. And that includes reversing the assemblies too. C# 3.0 introduced Auto Properties (or Automatically...

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Subtext is a visual programming language where you express the application logic in a tabular fashion. I'm not gonna try to explain Subtext in this post. You can find out more from its homepage: I learned about Subtext nearly 2 months back. It...

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