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Designing delightful experiences into digital products

Vestibulum volutpat tortor a facilisi. Blandit diam laoreet aliquam nunc nunc mus commodo nulla. Sed vulputate donec adipiscing amet sit pharetra enim dictum enim. Dolor, eu, enim arcu euismod at hendrerit et amet aliquet. Libero pretium vivamus vel faucibus. Tempus eu augue enim vivamus nulla sed nisl donec adipiscing amet sit.


Subtext is a visual programming language where you express the application logic in a tabular fashion. I'm not gonna try to explain Subtext in this post. You can find out more from its homepage: I learned about Subtext nearly 2 months back. It...

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Sum of all the primes below two million

I've written about Project Euler in my previous post (which I guess was the day before yesterday). I was going pretty well with solving the problems until I reached this one - to calculate the sum of all primes below 2 million. That's the 10th problem in Project Euler...

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Project Euler

You’ve probably heard of Project Euler ( If you haven’t, I suggest you check it out. It’s an amazing collection of interesting mathematical and programming problems. Nowhere else have I seen such a quality collection of problems. I had known...

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